Free Coronavirus Financial Service
To assist businesses (including sole traders) and individuals experiencing financial difficulty as a result of COVID-19, we are offering the following free services.
To assist businesses (including sole traders) and individuals experiencing financial difficulty as a result of COVID-19, we are offering the following free services.
Head Office
Level 5, Nexus Building
4 Columbia Court
Norwest 2153 NSW
Parramatta Office
Level 14, 3 Parramatta Square
153 Macquarie Street
Parramatta NSW 21150
Queensland Office
Sunstate Accountants and Tax Agents
PO Box 576
Mount Gravatt East 4122 QLD
Victoria Office
PreTax Accountants
20 Cityview Crescent
Tarneit VIC 3029
Phone: 0452 05 90 71
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.